These useful commands are taken from various sources including net, books. Hopefully it will be useful:
(Note : ~/.exrc file : is the file for making permanent settings to your vi editor, if you place the following commands in this file, these commands will be available to all your vi sessions.)
1) :abb - for abbreviation
#:abb etl Elitecore Technologies Limited, Ahmedabad
so whenever u type etl and press enter, space or tab, "etl" will be replaced by "Elitecore Technologies Limited, Ahmedabad"
I use it to create template C and C++ programs, like
#:abb CPP #include<iostream>^M using namespace std;^M int main()^M {^M return0;^M }
(here ^M is for new line, NOTE : make sure u dont type ^M, for ENTER u have to
a) ctrl+v
b) press ENTER
it will display like ^M as above but it means ENTER/new line)
So, now every time I need a C++ template, I just type CPP and press enter, space or TAB,
It gives me a nice C++ program template to work on.
You can use the same for similar purpose.
2) :map - is for mapping some command to some shortcut
the vi command :set number is used to show numbers along the lines of the file, lets say we want to give it a short cut, say F2, meaning when we type F2, it should run the command :set number, To map this command to shortcut key, the vi setting will be
#:map #2 :set number^M
(Note : remember ^M comment in above command)
same for :set nonumber (lets say to F3)
#:map #3 :set nonumber^M
3) set tabstop=2
this is for TAB's setting, I want TAB to be equal to 2 spaces, so I set it to 2.
vi quick reference
One of my favorite for any C-Programmers in .exrc
map @ ^[ :!cc % && ./a.out^M
Where ^[ is (Ctrl-V + ESC) and ^M is (Ctrl-V + Ctrl-M)
After this you can open small test C program and with one key-stroke (@) compile and execute from within editor.
Really its a nice to use shortcut key strock.
In shell or perl script with one key-stroke !% compile and execute from within editor.
Little modification in the shell or perl scripts to run while in the editor,
in ~/.exrc
:map v :w!%^M: !chmod u+x %^M: !./%
where ^M is (Ctrl-v + Cntr-M)
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