Use gnome-terminal to automate (Fedora)

Suppose you have to run many applications on terminal (lets say gnome-terminal) and you want to automate this process, You can use command lines options of gnome-terminal.
#gnome-terminal --geometry=80x20+700+0 --title=ping -x ping &
where geometry will decide what will be length and width of your terminal and what will be the position of your terminal.
title sets the title of the terminal
-x is for the command to run
& to run this as background process.
(See man pages of gnome-terminal for more options, you can have tabs and many more options)

Now lets say we want to run following applications viz
1) my server lets say the name is /home/xyz/myServer.exe
2) tail -f /var/log/messages to see the log
3) ping
4) ssh to some remote machine lets say xx.yy.zz.aa

So I will make a script say with following
gnome-terminal --geometry=80x20+0+0 --title=myServer -x ./home/xyz/myServer.exe &
gnome-terminal --geometry=80x20+0+400 --title=logMessages -x tail -f /var/log/messages &
gnome-terminal --geometry=80x20+700+400 --title=ping -x ping &
gnome-terminal --geometry=80x20+700+0 --title=remoteMachine -x ssh root@xx.yy.zz.aa &

Now you can run all the applications with a simple command

Please remember that the opened window will close as soon as the command it is running stops executing, lets say the window/terminal running "tail -f /var/log/messages" will immediately go if you dont have permission to read /var/log/messages

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